Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Gene didn’t want us to know, but we do, now

From The Producers to Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles to the Frisco Kid, Gene Wilder made us laugh, made us cry, and showed us characters that amazed us.  In his life off the screen, he shared his emotions through the illness and death of his wife, Gilda Radner, and taught us another powerful lesson.  And now we learn, at his passing, of his own battle with Alzheimer’s Disease, one that he kept to himself.  Here is an article from Newsmax in which I participated in a discussion of the tendency not to discuss this loss of self.

1 comment:

  1. He was incredible, even until the end, and we were sad to hear of all this, especially since my cousin just lost her husband to Alzheimer's.
