Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Healthy Diet Tip #8

For many, there is an unwritten rule that you have to clean your plate, not leave a morsel of food behind.  This can be a problem when there is no quantification of how much is on that plate.  If you look at the nutrition labeling of packaged foods, they always start out by defining a "portion." It is that portion size, expressed in ounces, cups, grams, pieces or whatever, that form the basis for all of the nutrition facts that follow.  And it is that portion size that nutritionists feel is the right amount of that food to eat at a meal.  No more, and no less.  Now you may say that it is not enough for you, or maybe it's too much.  Here is where an individual plan needs to be constructed, to understand what your nutritional needs are, and the best way to satisfy them in a healthy fashion.  Clearly, you can't follow the suggestions strictly, without question; but you can use them as a guide to help prevent overeating, and supply the correct level of nutrients to maintain good health.  


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