Thursday, December 3, 2020
Healthy Diet Tip #10
These days, you don't have to go far to see an inordinate number of products competing for your consumption, and beverages are certainly one of those categories. But among all of the various soft drinks with and without sugar, or caffeine, or artificial flavors, or carbonation, the only one that is really natural, the only one your body craves, the only one that is healthy, is water. There is nothing wrong with having a commercial beverage as a treat, for recreation, or socialization; but at mealtime, drink water. It goes with everything, and helps to promote good digestion. Not only that, it has no calories, no caffeine, and nothing else to get between you and good nutrition. And, for the most part, tap water is fine. If there is a suggestion of chlorine, or fear of contaminates, using a filter on your tap or a filtered pitcher can solve that issue. But buying water in bottles does not, as bottled water is not subject to the stringent requirements that tap water must satisfy, and those plastic bottles have to go somewhere. And bottled water is not cheap, often approaching the price of gasoline in some brands. Save the money, save the planet, save your health, and drink the water! Do you want more evidence? See my post called Water - Enough or Too Much Of A Good Thing!
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Healthy Diet Tip #9
We live in a world where multitasking has become the norm. Checking the computer while talking on the phone, grabbing a bite to eat on the way to the car, is not farfetched. But when eating becomes a secondary action, accurate monitoring and control of that action is lost. This even can occur just with reading the newspaper or watching television while eating. One so concentrates on the accompanying process that the eating fades into the background as a mechanical act. The food is not really enjoyed, and normal limits on consumption may be ignored. But if eating becomes the primary activity, without distractions, then the food can be enjoyed, portions and selections can be appropriate, and control of intake can be achieved. I am not suggesting sitting at a table quietly eating your food; there is nothing wrong with a social meal, that is likely preferable, even background music is nice, it's the direction of attention and concentration that becomes the issue. By keeping the meal as the primary activity, other distractions won't grab your attention, so that you can control what, and how much, you consume.
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Healthy Diet Tip #8
Monday, November 9, 2020
Healthy Diet Tip #7
Anyone with a pet, or anyone who has been to the zoo, knows that animals, in general, eat standing up. People, in general, don't, or at least, shouldn't. Standing up while munching a meal makes it difficult to quantitate and control just what you are eating. Sitting down at a table, with a plate - even a paper one - allows you to define the time and space for eating. And, after all, placing some definition on your eating is what getting a diet into a healthy mode is all about. So even if you go out for some fast food, find a way to sit down and enjoy it.
Thursday, November 5, 2020
Healthy Diet Tip #6
Monday, November 2, 2020
Healthy Diet Tip #5
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Healthy Diet Tip #4
Are you sensing a pattern here? First, you took a pause in the meal, then a little pause with each bite. Now I'm asking you not to overlap your actions. The idea is not to wolf your food down, eating was never meant to be a race. The only prize for finishing your food in record time is heartburn, or packing in calories that you don't need. Slow down and enjoy your food. All of these actions help to let your stomach send those signals of fullness to your satiety center, allowing you to feel more full even though you've eaten less. Finishing what's in your mouth before putting your hands in gear helps with that effort
Monday, October 26, 2020
Healthy Diet Tip #3
So you've taken a pause and put down your fork, why would you want to look at the next serving of food staring you in the face, telling you to take more? Once everyone is served, remove those serving dishes from the table. Not having them in front of you, you can put temptation behind you. It's still in the kitchen if someone is really in need of more food, just not there as to sabotage your diet. If you don't see it, you likely won't take it, you won't miss it, and you'll miss the weight you would have gained even less.
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Healthy Diet Tip #2
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Healthy Diet Tip #1
Over the years I was in practice, the need to address weight, and along with that diet, was one of the most common issues discussed. This week, the beginning of a series of tips, based on a scheme from the last century, which may help some people. Each graphic is a tip, which can be printed out as a card to put on the table. I will include a little text to elaborate, but I think you will get the idea.
The first tip is to plan a pause during your meal. Uninterrupted eating can lead to overeating. That's why it is an excellent practice to plan a two or three minute pause at about the midpoint in your meal. This gives your satiety center a chance to "catch up" with your stomach and what you have eaten, so that you will begin to feel full. Some use an egg timer to time their pause, or you could use the timer on your phone, or take a break to check the news feed or email. It doesn't matter. The important things is to take that break. You will likely eat less, and yet feel fuller.
Monday, March 30, 2020
Myths and facts about coronavirus COVID-19